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The journal is dedicated to publishing original theoretical and applicative research results and overviews on the current research status in Electronics and Telecommunications, the areas of interest including (but not being limited to) :

  • Electronic Circuits,
  • Neural Networks,
  • Power Electronics,
  • Robotics,
  • Communications,
  • Signal and Image Processing,
  • Instrumentation and Measurements,
  • Microwaves,
  • Education

    The access to publication of research results is open to researchers all over the world. Results published firstly here are especially encouraged. The Editorial Board encourages also the submission of papers authored by young researchers, Master or PhD students.
    The Bulletin invites and accepts papers presented in the framework of congresses, symposia and workshops carefully selected by the International Program Committees of these scientific meetings but only after their proposal and in the conditions of avoiding copyright problems. These proposed papers have to be subject to the normal review procedure in order to have the papers accepted for publication.
    The following conditions have to be fulfilled by a paper in order to be accepted for publication in this journal:

  • Progress of review steps, finalized by a publication proposal,
  • The paper must contain original elements in the field it belongs,
  • The paper should not have been previously or simultaneously submitted to other journals; to avoid any misunderstandings the editing format will include the receipt data and the acceptance for publication data,
  • The paper must meet strictly the editing format required by the Editorial Board.

    All accepted papers are published in the order set by the Editorial Board but not later then 6 months after the acceptance. The contents of each number together with the abstracts, keywords and references (starting with 2006) are accessible on the journal site.