Politică editorială Politică editorială

Peer Review Process

    The reviewing process involves the following stages:

  • Receiving the paper in the required format and using the imposed technical instructions for authors; the full paper manuscript will be submitted electronically in PDF format; the editors will acknowledge the paper's arriving in good conditions, mark the date, and inform the authors about that.
  • Within maximum 15 days the editors will nominate the referees and address the paper manuscript to them; peer reviewing will be accorded to each paper by three referees; in some cases the paper may be reviewed by two referees; in cases of uncertainty, the editorial board will discuss the paper and take the final decision upon publication.
  • The referees will use a specific reviewing template; the paper may be recommended for:
    • Acceptance without any changes; in that case the authors will be asked to send the paper electronically in the required Microsoft Word format according to authors' instructions.
    • Acceptance with minor changes; if the authors follow the conditions imposed by referees the paper will be sent in the required Microsoft Word format.
    • Acceptance with major changes; if the authors follow completely the conditions imposed by referees the paper will be sent in the required Microsoft Word format.
    • Rejection; in that case the reasons for rejection will be transmitted to authors along with some suggestions for future improvements (if that will be considered necessary).

    In all cases, the required changes will be transmitted to authors; the changes may be accepted totally or partially by the author(s); in the latter case, the referees' conditions may be challenged by the author(s) and the paper submitted for a second reviewing.
    The date of publishing acceptance will be communicated to author(s) and printed on the published paper.
    The final camera-ready format as requested by the editors has to be transmitted by authors within 30 days from acceptance. The special cases have to be adjusted according to the editors' demands.