L’image des femmes politiques sur les blogs personnels Our paper deals with the way political women use their personal blogs to build a
positive, confident, reliable image before the readers. We are interested in how they use this nonconventional
media to consolidate their status in the public sphere, how they establish the feed-back
with their readers and what is the impact of this feed-back on their public image.
L’image des femmes politiques sur les blogs personnels.

Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Filologie

Volum 1 | Număr 21 | Publicat la 01/09/2011 | ISSN  1223-7248

Alexandra Sirghi
Our paper deals with the way political women use their personal blogs to build a
positive, confident, reliable image before the readers. We are interested in how they use this nonconventional
media to consolidate their status in the public sphere, how they establish the feed-back
with their readers and what is the impact of this feed-back on their public image.
Cuvinte cheie:
women, politics, blog, ethos, discourse

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