Assia Djebar is one of the well-known French expression Algerian writers, a member of the French Academy and three times Nobel Literature nominee. In her novels, she represents the voice of the Muslim woman. In our study, we propose an analysis of the figure of Fatima, the favorite daughter of Prophet Mohamed, as she appears in the Assia Djebar`s novel Loin de Médine (Far from Medina). We want to emphasize the resemblance of this important Muslim feminine figure to the tragically antique character of Antigone. The role of Fatima is more important than being the daughter of the third Prophet of a monotheistic religion as she proves herself the spokeswoman for all Muslim women, defending their statute in a patriarchal state.
Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Filologie
Volum 1 | Număr 22 | Publicat la 01/09/2011 | ISSN 1223-7248
Loin De Medine D’Assia Djebar La figure de Fatima ou Antigone musulmane
Assia Djebar is one of the well-known French expression Algerian writers, a member of the French Academy and three times Nobel Literature nominee. In her novels, she represents the voice of the Muslim woman. In our study, we propose an analysis of the figure of Fatima, the favorite daughter of Prophet Mohamed, as she appears in the Assia Djebar`s novel Loin
de Médine (Far from Medina). We want to emphasize the resemblance of this important Muslim feminine figure to the tragically antique character of Antigone. The role of Fatima is more important than being the daughter of the third Prophet of a monotheistic religion as she proves herself the spokeswoman for all Muslim women, defending their statute in a patriarchal state.