Romanian Anthroponymy Acknowledged in the Mediaeval Latin Documents Issued By The Romanian Chancelleries (13th – 15th Century)

This paper analyzes elements of Romanian anthroponymy acknowledged in the mediaeval Latin documents issued by the Romanian Principalities chancelleries in 13th – 15th century. The author discusses the word-formation, the chronology, the etymology and the spelling of these lexemes.

Romanian Anthroponymy Acknowledged in the Mediaeval Latin Documents Issued By The Romanian Chancelleries (13th – 15th Century).

Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Filologie

Volum 1 | Număr 22 | Publicat la 01/09/2011 | ISSN  1223-7248

Ana-Cristina Halichias

This paper analyzes elements of Romanian anthroponymy acknowledged in the mediaeval Latin documents issued by the Romanian Principalities chancelleries in 13th – 15th century. The author discusses the word-formation, the chronology, the etymology and the spelling of these lexemes.

Cuvinte cheie:
Romanian language, mediaeval Latin, anthroponymy, spelling, chronology,
Materiale adiţionale
  1. Romanian Anthroponymy Acknowledged in the Mediaeval Latin Documents Issued By The Romanian Chancelleries (13th – 15th Century)

    This paper analyzes elements of Romanian anthroponymy acknowledged in the mediaeval Latin documents issued by the Romanian Principalities chancelleries in 13th – 15th century. The author discusses the word-formation, the chronology, the etymology and the spelling of these lexemes.

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