ON HOW TO DEVALUE JOURNALS In this follow-up of my previous article, I continue to analyze and describe the current situation of academic publishing in Romania, but this time I plan to take a closer look at the status of academic journals. While one could be impressed by the current proliferation of this type of publications, we must be aware that this also unavoidably brings inflation in this field and, as a predictable consequence, a lack of genuine interest for the matters published in these journals. Also, we cannot help addressing the subject of profit-seeking publishers. 

Annales Philosophici

Volum | Număr 7 | Publicat la 01/01/2014 | ISSN  2067-3159

Dan Pătroc [1]
[1] University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
In this follow-up of my previous article, I continue to analyze and describe the current situation of academic publishing in Romania, but this time I plan to take a closer look at the status of academic journals. While one could be impressed by the current proliferation of this type of publications, we must be aware that this also unavoidably brings inflation in this field and, as a predictable consequence, a lack of genuine interest for the matters published in these journals. Also, we cannot help addressing the subject of profit-seeking publishers. 
Cuvinte cheie:
predatory journals, academic journals

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