,,Astra Salvensis", anul 1, nr. 1, iunie 2013

Authors and articles

Ioan Seni, Thoughts at the beginning, p. 4-5.

In this article, teacher Ioan Seni, president of Nasaud Department of ,,Astra", presents the achievements of Salva Circle of ,,Astra" , of its president, teacher Ana Filip, of the editor in chief Iuliu-Marius Morariu. Also, he wishes good look to the editors and to the review.

Key words: Ana Filip, history, review, concerns.

Ana Filip, Salva – first commune member of ,,Astra" from 1861, p. 6-12.

The principal of review, teacher Ana Filip, presents the history of Salva village as member of ,,Astra". Using documents and edited sources, she looks like that commune was the first of all the villages from Transylvania which became member of this prestigious institution. Also, she presents the astriste activity of members from the village during the time, from the start and until today.

Key words: Nechita Ignat, Basiliu Dumbrava, Tiberiu Morariu, life member.

Iuliu-Marius Morariu, Pages from Salva's history, p. 13-23.

Salva was documentary attested for the first time in 1245. It is one of the oldest villages from the Nasaud county. Using documents and other materials about the history of the commune, the author presents the main points of the history of this it. There are mentioned and analised documents from 1245, 1440, 1519, XVI-th, XVII-th and XVIII-th century. The material is the first one of a series of articles dedicated to the history of this place.

Key words: Convent from Manastureni, Tatars, Thomas Prince.

Ovidiu Halas, The Monasteries from the Bistrita-Nasaud county, p. 24-28.

The monastic life was very prolific in all the times in this zone. The oldest monasteries are attested during the Medieval Age, in the XVI-th centuries. Over several articles, the author presents the history of the monasteries in that zone. In that one, he presents some informations about the district.

Key words: district, Bistrita-Nasaud, clime, geography.

Furcea Grigore, Freedom and libertinage – a patristic and post patristic perspective, p. 29-40.


            Using patristic sources and the new theological studies and works about the difference between freedom and libertinage in the orthodox conception, father Grigore Furcea presents a Christian perspective of those concepts. By this study, he presents some models for the today's word and teens.


            Key words: Saint John Chrysostom, theology, contemporary word, Christianity.



            Mihai-Octavian Groza, Sebeșand the ,,Spring" of the Peoples, p. 41-64.


            Using edited and documentary sources provided from the National Achieves of Romania, Alba-Iulia District Direction, the young researcher Mihai Groza presents the activity of Romanian people from Sebeș at 1848. The results of his research are very important for the historiography of this subject.


            Key words: 1848, Sebeș, Joseph Hahn, Samuel Meister, Grigore Pop. 



            Someșan Grigore, The ,,icon" which kills, p. 65-77.


            This article is a theological analyze of the importance of the icons and of the danger represented by the kitsch. The author uses works of great writers like Joseph Ratzinger, Leonid Uspensky, Boris Bobrinskoy, Ioan Bizău or Nikolay Tarabukin to sustain hes ideas and proposals. The material is a real signal for the christians of today, which are called to resist in front of the asalt of kitsch.


            Key words: kitsch,  Leonid Uspensky, idol, icon.



            Iușan Adrian Cosmin, Prison – space of oppression and survive in the autobiographical work ,,Robinson Island" of Ioan Eremia, p. 78-88.


            In this article, the author analyses the work of captain Ion Eremia, imprisoned by the communists, who discover there the Good and a lot of reasons for survive. He realizes an interesting presentation of this important book and of the communisms repressive system.


            Key words: pray, punishment, communists, captain, imprisoned.  



            Gheorghe Cazacu, Romanian Transylvanian volunteers from Russia during the First World War, p. 89-116.


            The activity of Romanian volunteers from Transylvania during the First World War is an important part of Romanian history, but, unfortunately, it is not enough valorified by the historiography. That is the reason for that, Gheorghe Cazacu, using specialty literature, presents some aspects of them life and activity.


            Key words: prisoners, Iacob Popa, biography, russians.

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