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Textul complet este disponibil pentru articole publicate dupa 2006. Abstracte si citari sunt disponibile pentru toate articolele publicate dupa 2001.
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Număr 1
(Volum 4)
1 Articole
BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV • VOL. 4 (53) No.1 - 2011: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - Cosgarea, R., Aleonte, M., Cofaru, C.: The Influence of the Internal Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) On the Pumping LossesLeahu, C.I., Radu, Gh.Al.: Optimisation of Joint Operation of Pressure Waves Compressors of Type Comprex with Diesel Engines Radu, Gh.Al., Leahu, C.I.: Alternative Solutions for Supercharging with Aggregates of Turbocharger TypeSandu, G., Cofaru, C., Sacareanu, S., Jelenschi, L.: Research of the Engine’s Speed Influence on the Intake Process of a Naturally Aspirated Engine; INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING - Clinciu, M.R.: Statistical Analysis of Data Samples Collected in an Experimental Installation; MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - Balart, J., España, J.M., García-Sanoguera, D., Sánchez-Nácher, L., Boronat, T.: Surface Modification of Polypropylene by Photografting of Vinyl Acetate MonomersCroitoru, C., Paţachia, S., Porzsolt, A.: Alkylimidazolium Ionic Liquids as Ecologic Solvents for Wood Finishing MaterialsFombuena, V., Balart, R., Sánchez-Nácher, L., Fenollar, O., España, J.M.: Atmospheric Plasma Treatment of Polyethylene Substrates for Improved Mechanical Performance of Adhesion JointLomoră, M., Drăghici, C., Eneşca, Al.: Intermediary Compounds in Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater TreatmentMilea, C.A., Bogatu, C., Duţă, A.: The Influence of Parameters in Silica Sol-Gel Process Moldovan, V., Vida-Simiti, I., Jumate, N., Thalmaier, Gy., Nemes, D., Bruj, E.: Study of Sintering of Gradual Porous Structures Obtained by Gravitational SedimentationPop, B., Rus, V., Viorel, D., Porcar, D.: Some Considerations on Labor Safety of Ion Nitriding Operation Varga, B., Lichioiu, I.: Method and Installation for Obtaining Metastable Structures of Aluminum Alloys; ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ELECTRONICS AND AUTOMATICS - Bălan, T., Sandu, F., Cazacu, V.: Ontology Based Resource Management of Real and Emulated Telecom SystemsBoldişor, C., Comnac, V., Coman, S.: A Practical Review of a Design Method for Fuzzy Controllers Based On Self-Learning AlgorithmCazacu, V., Székely, I., Sandu, F., Bălan, T.: Performance Metrics for the It Services PortfolioCociaş, T.T., Măcesanu, G., Moldoveanu, F.: On the Application of Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulation to 3D ReconstructionFratu, A., Fratu, M.: Analytical Model of the Cutting Process with Scissors-Robot for Haptic SimulationMăceşanu, G., Grigorescu, S., Cociaş, T.T., Moldoveanu, F.: An Object Detection and 3D Reconstruction Approach for Real-Time Scene UnderstandingNedelcu, A.V., Stoianovici, V.C., Székely, I.: Energy-Efficient Integration of WSNs with Active RFID Systems Nicula, D.: Digital Electronics: A Modern Lab ApproachPuiu, D., Floroian, D., Moldoveanu, F.: DASTS: Distributed Architecture for Sun Tracking System Mounted On Mobile PlatformsStoianovici, V.C., Nedelcu, A.V., Székely, I., Fadda, M.: A Software-Defined Radio Approach to Spectrum Sensing Systems’ ArchitectureSuliman, C., Boldişor, C., Băzăvan, R., Moldoveanu, F.: A Fuzzy Logic Based Method for Edge Detection; CIVIL ENGINEERING - Boian, I., Dragomir, G.: Vacuum Insulation Panels. Thermal Analysis of Wal Sandwiches Năstase, G., Boian, I.: Required Conditions for Optional Operation of an Air- Conditioning System Piovár, S., Kormaníková, E.: Statical and Dynamical Analysis of Composite Sandwich Plates Tămaş, F., Tuns, I.: Waterproof Expertise of an Objective with Brick Walls Affected by Capillary Moisture