The Reception of Beckett’s Drama in China

China has experienced the reception of Beckett’s dramas since 1962, more than half a century. The paper collects comprehensively, combs systematically, and analyzes deeply the translation, researches and performance of Beckett’s dramas. The paper attempts to find the achievements and shortages of the studies on Beckett’s drama in China.


The Reception of Beckett’s Drama in China.

DramArt Revistă de studii teatrale

Volum | Număr 5 | Publicat la 21/12/2017 | ISSN  2285-9969 | eISSN  2558-9946

Yanshi Li [1]
[1] Taiyuan University of Technology

China has experienced the reception of Beckett’s dramas since 1962, more than half a century. The paper collects comprehensively, combs systematically, and analyzes deeply the translation, researches and performance of Beckett’s dramas. The paper attempts to find the achievements and shortages of the studies on Beckett’s drama in China.


Cuvinte cheie:
Beckett, drama, Waiting for Godot, China, reception study

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