Regieanweisungen - eine periphäre Komponente des dramatischen Textes? The review presents the opinions of Dragos Carasevici connected with the aesthetic vision of Friedrich Dürrenmatt concerning directing.
Regieanweisungen - eine periphäre Komponente des dramatischen Textes?.

DramArt Revistă de studii teatrale

Volum | Număr 5 | Publicat la 21/12/2017 | ISSN  2285-9969 | eISSN  2558-9946

Eleonora Ringler-Pascu [1]
[1] West University of Timisoara
The review presents the opinions of Dragos Carasevici connected with the aesthetic vision of Friedrich Dürrenmatt concerning directing.
Cuvinte cheie:
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, theatre, aesthetic, stage direction

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