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GeoSport for Society is a scientific publication, with an international status, oriented towards communication promotion at international and interdisciplinary level, focused on the geographic dimension of sport and of its impact upon society with a complex local and global approach.

The journal aims to publish relevant contributions in Geography, Physical Education, Sport Science, Physical Therapy, Leisure, Recreation and Tourism, Environment and other areas whose analysis is related to these fields (Natural Science, Sociology, Economy, Politics, History as well), standing out through originality and scientific contribution, diverse theories, methods and methodologies to the knowledge and development of this area with benefits for society.

The content of the publication is intended for a heterogeneous community made up of teaching staff, researchers, practitioners and students showing interest in these fields, who can contribute substantially to the understanding, promotion and development of places, regions and the territory in its whole.

Benefits of authors: no fee for publication or article processing, free on-line pdf copy, a liberal copyright policy, promoting research by open access policy.


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Mail address:

GeoSport for Society

University of Oradea

Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport

1, University Street, Pav. C, Et. II, room 215, 410087- Oradea, Romania



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