A Dialogue with Professor Michael N. Marsh In the accordance of readers, we are introducing a new chapter in Journal, which will consist in interview with one people. The chapter will appear as needed and the people will be select by editorial board. Professor Michael N. Marsh was invited for first interview and you can find a message from this interview here.
A Dialogue with Professor Michael N. Marsh.

International Journal of Celiac Disease

Volum 4 | Număr 2 | Publicat la 30/06/2016 | ISSN  2334-3427 | eISSN  2334-3486

Gabriel Samasca
In the accordance of readers, we are introducing a new chapter in Journal, which will consist in interview with one people. The chapter will appear as needed and the people will be select by editorial board. Professor Michael N. Marsh was invited for first interview and you can find a message from this interview here.

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