Intra-anaesthetic severe immediate - type hypersensitivity to cefoperazone. Case Report Intra-anaesthetic anaphylactic reactions’ diagnosis is mainly retrospective based on clinical history, skin prick, intradermal and in vitro tests. We bring up the case of a 67 years old male patient who presented a lifethreatening immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction during general anaesthesia performed for the surgical treatment of benign prostate hypertrophy. The initial diagnostic tests revealed an intense positive skin prick test for cefoperazone. The basophil activation test was initially negative and only the second test had positive results, showing a delay in comparison with the skin test. When re-testing after 6 years, the skin prick test was positive for cefoperazone, demonstrating that the skin test reactivity was maintained during this period. For rocuronium, the basophil activation test had an initial positive result, with a negative skin test. This test may confirm an immediate-type sensitization to a neuromuscular blocking agent, even when the skin tests are negative. These findings highlight the fact that each patient needs to be tested for all culprit drugs, both in vivo and in vitro, as multiple drug hypersensitivity might occur.
Intra-anaesthetic severe immediate - type hypersensitivity to cefoperazone. Case Report.


Volum 13 | Număr 1 | Publicat la 10/05/2016 | Pagini:  33 - 36 | ISSN  1584-7330 | eISSN  2502-0277

Nadia Onitiu-Gherman [1] | Mihaela Cocis [1]
[1] “Iuliu Hatieganu”, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Intra-anaesthetic anaphylactic reactions’ diagnosis is mainly retrospective based on clinical history, skin prick, intradermal and in vitro tests. We bring up the case of a 67 years old male patient who presented a lifethreatening immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction during general anaesthesia performed for the surgical treatment of benign prostate hypertrophy. The initial diagnostic tests revealed an intense positive skin prick test for cefoperazone. The basophil activation test was initially negative and only the second test had positive results, showing a delay in comparison with the skin test. When re-testing after 6 years, the skin prick test was positive for cefoperazone, demonstrating that the skin test reactivity was maintained during this period. For rocuronium, the basophil activation test had an initial positive result, with a negative skin test. This test may confirm an immediate-type sensitization to a neuromuscular blocking agent, even when the skin tests are negative. These findings highlight the fact that each patient needs to be tested for all culprit drugs, both in vivo and in vitro, as multiple drug hypersensitivity might occur.
Cuvinte cheie:
anaphylaxis, perianaesthetic, cefoperazone, skin tests, basophil activation


Reducing the risk of anaphylaxis during anesthesia: 2011updated guidelines for clinical practice. - Mertes PM, Malinovsky JM, Jouffroy L; Working Group of the SFARand SFA, Aberer W, Terreehorst I, Brockow K, Demoly P; ENDA;EAACI Interest Group on Drug Allergy. - , J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. , 2011

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