THE ROLE OF THE EXTRACURRICULAR MUSICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE FORMAL AND NON- FORMAL EDUCATION, AS AN INTERCULTURAL MEDIATION ALTERNATIVE The work proposes to present the specific of the musical didactic step’s organisation in the formal and non-formal education, considerations and new suggestions regarding the types of groups and approached repertoires. The insufficient orientation of the programs for the musical education has generated this analyses and solutions for a new atomization of the musical – artistic education both in school and in children’s clubs, as an alternative for the extracurricular musical activities, with the purpose of intercultural mediation for all curricular cycles of the Romanian education in the formal and non-formal system. It is a real need to know and use the required techniques of projection, teaching, learning and evaluation of the didactic activities, as all to operate with contemporary methods and techniques. A new more flexible musical educational model may allow quick and mobile adaption to the contemporary reality from methodological and conceptual point of view, leading to the extension and the deepening of the connexions among different vocal-expression, instrumental and vocal-instrumental modalities, assuring multiple formative-instructive valences. It is necessary to retain the fact that through vocal and instrumental singing performed during the musical activities, children concurrently balance and relax, these having a therapeutic effect too. The musical education realization’s specific consists in the fact that uses specific creations, songs (vocal or instrumental), which are the main means of familiarizing children with the musical language, musical games that represent the most complex form of children’s artistic education. In the beginning, under the form of a game and then under the form of a lesson, the musical education brings only benefits, joy and enthusiasm in children’s souls, no matter the parallel or the meridian they live in, the affiliation to an ethnic group.

Review of Artistic Education

ISSN  2069-7554 | eISSN  L 2069-7554

Eugenia Maria Pașca [1]
[1] “George Enescu” University of Arts, Iași, Romania
The work proposes to present the specific of the musical didactic step’s organisation in the formal and non-formal education, considerations and new suggestions regarding the types of groups and approached repertoires. The insufficient orientation of the programs for the musical education has generated this analyses and solutions for a new atomization of the musical – artistic education both in school and in children’s clubs, as an alternative for the extracurricular musical activities, with the purpose of intercultural mediation for all curricular cycles of the Romanian education in the formal and non-formal system. It is a real need to know and use the required techniques of projection, teaching, learning and evaluation of the didactic activities, as all to operate with contemporary methods and techniques. A new more flexible musical educational model may allow quick and mobile adaption to the contemporary reality from methodological and conceptual point of view, leading to the extension and the deepening of the connexions among different vocal-expression, instrumental and vocal-instrumental modalities, assuring multiple formative-instructive valences. It is necessary to retain the fact that through vocal and instrumental singing performed during the musical activities, children concurrently balance and relax, these having a therapeutic effect too. The musical education realization’s specific consists in the fact that uses specific creations, songs (vocal or instrumental), which are the main means of familiarizing children with the musical language, musical games that represent the most complex form of children’s artistic education. In the beginning, under the form of a game and then under the form of a lesson, the musical education brings only benefits, joy and enthusiasm in children’s souls, no matter the parallel or the meridian they live in, the affiliation to an ethnic group.
Cuvinte cheie:
intercultural education, extracurricular music education

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