Qui domine .. La langue ou l’identite ? Aspect psycholinguistique

It is not Indeed easy to decide which one dominates the other: language or identity, but from our findings and experiments that we performed we can say that language is one of the ways that the individual uses to assert his identity. From a pedagogical point of view when it comes to learn a foreign language, there could be some sort of rivalry between the foreign language and mother tongue because of the identity. This invites both the learner as the teacher to find a compromise by using the mother tongue to learn a foreign language. Knowing that in learning a foreign language, our mother tongue is our guide who indicates us two main paths: a semantics path and a morph-syntax path. The identity resists against any kind of interference of a foreign language by suspicion of harming the original identity and personality of the individual.

Qui domine .. La langue ou l’identite ? Aspect psycholinguistique.

Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Filologie

Volum 1 | Număr 22 | Publicat la 01/09/2011 | ISSN  1223-7248

Mohammed Alkhatib

It is not Indeed easy to decide which one dominates the other: language or identity, but from our findings and experiments that we performed we can say that language is one of the ways that the individual uses to assert his identity. From a pedagogical point of view when it comes to learn a foreign language, there could be some sort of rivalry between the foreign language and mother tongue because of the identity. This invites both the learner as the teacher to find a compromise by using the mother tongue to learn a foreign language. Knowing that in learning a foreign language, our mother tongue is our guide who indicates us two main paths: a semantics path and a morph-syntax path. The identity resists against any kind of interference of a foreign language by suspicion of harming the original identity and personality of the individual.

Cuvinte cheie:
language, identity, pedagogy, mother tongue, culture, psychology, linguistics
Materiale adiţionale
  1. Qui domine .. La langue ou l’identite ? Aspect psycholinguistique

    It is not Indeed easy to decide which one dominates the other: language or identity, but from our findings and experiments that we performed we can say that language is one of the ways that the individual uses to assert his identity. From a pedagogical point of view when it comes to learn a foreign language, there could be some sort of rivalry between the foreign language and mother tongue because of the identity. This invites both the learner as the teacher to find a compromise by using the mother tongue to learn a foreign language. Knowing that in learning a foreign language, our mother tongue is our guide who indicates us two main paths: a semantics path and a morph-syntax path. The identity resists against any kind of interference of a foreign language by suspicion of harming the original identity and personality of the individual.

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