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Editor de active
La poesie comme « Écart ». Quelques considerations sur la « negativite » du
<I><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"> <P align=left><FONT size=3>Our study is conceived as an analysis of the intentionality of poetic discourse. The first...
Loin de Medine D’Assia Djebar la figure de Fatima ou Antigone musulmane
<FONT face="Times New Roman"><I><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"> <P align=left><FONT size=3>Assia Djebar is one of the well-known French expression Algerian...
(Il)Legitimate Appendages: The Case of Psalmanazar’s Prefaces
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">In 1704, George Psalmanazar, a supposed native of the island of Formosa, added his own fabulous construction of another world...
Autopoiesis. Textual Procedures as User Guide to Reading.
<P align=left><I><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=3>The present paper deals with the binomial </FONT></FONT></FONT><B><FONT face="Times New...
Recurring Elements of The Macbeth Mythos
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">This article starts off from a distinction between an Aristotelian and a semiotic understanding of art to analyse the lines...
La problematique de la mort dans l’oeuvre de Jacques Chessex
<P align=left><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><EM>Whether in philosophy, science of religion or literature, the issue of death is still a topic of interest nowadays for its...
Diary Pages In The Forbidden Forest. Mircea Eliade’s Detention In Miercurea
<P align=left><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><EM>The novel</EM> </FONT></FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">The Forbidden Forest...
Bound East for Exile:The Case of Claude-Alexandre Bonneval alias Ahmet Pash
<P> </P> <P align=left><I><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=3>Count Claude-Alexandre de Bonneval (1675-1747), turned, after conversion to Islam,...
Miss Jones Meets Mr Darcy: Twentieth-Century Avatars of Jane Austen’s Prota
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jane Austen’s work has inspired an impressive number of intertextual projects, few of which have generated as many...
L’image des femmes politiques sur les blogs personnels
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Our paper deals with the way political women use their personal blogs to build a positive, confident, reliable image before...
Angela Carter Demystified : The Employment of the Gothic in Angela Carter’s
<P align=left><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><EM>One of the interesting aspects of Angela Carter&apos;s fiction, which she has used since her </EM><EM>first novel</EM>...
Angela Carter Demystified : The Employment of the Gothic in Angela Carter’s
<P align=left><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><EM>One of the interesting aspects of Angela Carter&apos;s fiction, which she has used since her </EM><EM>first novel</EM>...
Qui domine .. La langue ou l’identite ? Aspect psycholinguistique
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">It is not Indeed easy to decide which one dominates the other: language or identity, but from our findings and experiments...
Considerations sur le langage medical populaire roumain
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">In the recent years, we have been interested in the popular medical Romanian language and we have done basic research in this...
Höflichkeitsstrategien zur reduzierung von gesichtsbedrohung
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Politeness involves consideration for others, adherence to the rules, but at the same time avoidance of confrontation and...
Understanding the Utterances of NDA Cadets: Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">The official language of the Indian Armed Forces is English. Otherwise Hindi connects the officers and personnel from the...
Romanian Anthroponymy Acknowledged in the Mediaeval Latin Documents Issued
<P align=left><EM><FONT size=3>This paper analyzes elements of Romanian anthroponymy acknowledged in the </FONT><FONT size=3>mediaeval Latin documents issued by the Romanian Principalities...
Hedging Opinion in Romanian Conversational Discourse: The Use of Softeners
<P align=left><I><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=3>This corpus-based paper addresses the use of softeners in Romanian conversational </FONT><FONT...
Grammatik in der daf-lehrerausbildung
<P align=left><I><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=3>Germanists all over the world have been interested over the past two decades in </FONT><FONT...
Gender Exclusive Differences in Language Use
<P align=left><I><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=1 face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=3>We are surrounded in our everyday lives by powerful commonsense ideas about speech </FONT><FONT...
Approaches to the Report “Model-Function” in Modern Linguistic Theories
<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">The analysis of human communication began, in the mid half of the last century through a mechanicistic approach inspired by...
09_Florin Teodor Olariu.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: The analysis of human communication began, in the mid half of the last century through<br>a mechanicistic approach inspired by the...
06_Diana Hornoiu.pdf
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: This corpus-based paper addresses the use of softeners in Romanian conversational<br>discourse. It highlights two important interactional functions:...
07_Maria-Elena Muscan.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: Germanists all over the world have been interested over the past two decades in<br>establishing a structure and nature of the degree...
08_Costin-Valentin Oancea.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: We are surrounded in our everyday lives by powerful commonsense ideas about speech<br>which tell us that men and women communicate and...
02_Cosmin Caprioara.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: In the recent years, we have been interested in the popular medical Romanian language<br>and we have done basic research in this field,...
03_Ionela Duduta - articol BT ultim.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: Politeness involves consideration for others, adherence to the rules, but at the same<br>time avoidance of confrontation and conflict....
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: The official language of the Indian Armed Forces is English. Otherwise Hindi connects<br>the officers and personnel from the different...
05_Ana Cristina Halichias.pdf
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract:</span> This paper analyzes elements of Romanian anthroponymy acknowledged in the<br>mediaeval Latin documents issued by the Romanian Principalities...
01_Mohammed Alkhatib.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: It is not Indeed easy to decide which one dominates the other: language or identity, but<br>from our findings and experiments that we...
08_Mihaela Irimia.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: Count Claude-Alexandre de Bonneval (1675-1747), turned, after conversion to Islam, <br>Ahmet Pasha, is an exciting case of self-assumed...
10_Lucia Opreanu.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: Jane Austen’s work has inspired an impressive number of intertextual projects, few of<br>which have generated as many controversies as...
11_Alexandra Sirghi.pdf
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: Our paper deals with the way political women use their personal blogs to build a<br>positive, confident, reliable image before the readers. We are...
12_Sara Tavassoli and Parvin Ghasemi.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: One of the interesting aspects of Angela Carter's fiction, which she has used since her<br>first novel Shadow Dance (1966), is the...
07_Lioara Coturbas.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: The novel The Forbidden Forest comprises the main themes in Mircea Eliade’s<br>literature, but at the same time it may be considered an...
05_Juan Cerda.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: This article starts off from a distinction between an Aristotelian and a semiotic<br>understanding of art to analyse the lines of...
06_Otilia Carmen Cojan.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: Whether in philosophy, science of religion or literature, the issue of death is still a topic<br>of interest nowadays for its depth and...
03_Elena Butoescu.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract:</span> In 1704, George Psalmanazar, a supposed native of the island of Formosa, added his<br>own fabulous construction of another world to an...
04_Alina Buzatu.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: The present paper deals with the binomial to read / to imagine and its taxinomic<br>definitions in various aesthetic paradigms. The...
01_Carmen-Ecaterina Astirbei.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: Our study is conceived as an analysis of the intentionality of poetic discourse. The first<br>hypothesis postulates the gratuitous...
02_Briana Belciug.pdf
<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract:</span> Assia Djebar is one of the well-known French expression Algerian writers, a member<br>of the French Academy and three times Nobel...
Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria Filologie reprezintă o publicaţie periodică de referinţă din domeniul umanistic, axată pe cultură, limbi şi literaturi, lingvistică, istoria limbii, filosofie. Până acum, toate volumele au fost publicate anual, din 1990.
Publicaţia are o largă distribuţie, în peste 30 de universităţi din Europa şi America.
În anul 2010 Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria Filologie au primit cotaţia B+ din partea Consiliului Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior (CNCSIS).
Editorii Analelor Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria Filologie (Ovidius University Annals of Philology, Constanţa, Romania) doresc să vă anunţe faptul că începând din 2011 vor apărea două numere anual, în lunile iulie şi decembrie.
Lucrările vor fi redactate în limbile engleză sau franceză, cu rezumatul şi cuvintele-cheie în limba engleză.
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Adina Ciugureanu
Ovidius University of Constanta - adina.ciugureanu@seanet.ro
Florentina Nicolae
Ovidius University of Constanta - nicolae_flori@yahoo.com