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02_Cosmin Caprioara.pdf

<font size="3"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Abstract</span>: In the recent years, we have been interested in the popular medical Romanian language<br>and we have done basic research in this field, reflected in our doctoral thesis which will be published<br>soon. There have been different sources, as we have intended to analyze the phenomenon both<br>synchronically (by relying on all the equipment including the Romanian dialectal features) and<br>diachronically (using the writings of doctors and of some Romanian or foreign intellectuals of the<br>18th and 19th centuries, which focused on the above-mentioned problem).<br>We have analyzed over 1100 popular and regional names of diseases, have added a large number<br>of verbs that have a close association with the "medical act" in the traditional society. Our intention<br>was also to notice the crossing of the medical language over its correspondent popular language in<br>order to see to what extent the neologisms have soaked in the popular medical practice. As a result of<br>the research work mentioned above, a whole series of observations appeared, most of them applying<br>to all medical and popular language, while, of course, others are specific only to the medical field.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Key words</span>: medical language Romanian popular, ethnoiatry, dialect, beliefs, taboo language,<br>origine and names of deseases</font>

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Miss Jones Meets Mr Darcy: Twentieth-Century Avatars of Jane Austen’s Prota

<P align=left><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jane Austen’s work has inspired an impressive number of intertextual projects, few of which have generated as many controversies as Helen Fielding’s </FONT></FONT></I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Bridget Jones’s Diary </FONT></FONT><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">and </FONT></FONT></I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason</FONT></FONT><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">. The present paper will neither engage in the debates concerning Fielding’s allegiance to or betrayal of feminist ideals, nor discuss her novels’ questionable artistic merits, but will focus instead on the intricate layers of intertextuality at work in the creation of the two main protagonists. If as far as the two plots are concerned Fielding’s borrowings from </FONT></FONT></I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Pride and Prejudice </FONT></FONT><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">and </FONT></FONT></I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Persuasion </FONT></FONT><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">are relatively straightforward, the portraits of Bridget Jones and Mark Darcy are the result of quite complex fusions that go beyond Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy to comprise various other characters belonging to a wider array of texts. The analysis of the female protagonist will refer in turn to all Austen’s novels and include parallels with her numerous heroines, while the discussion of Fielding’s Mark Darcy will entail an incursion across media, including the nineteenth-century original as well as its most famous film version in an attempt to reveal the numerous levels of dialogic interaction established between the various texts. </FONT></FONT></I></P>

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Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria Filologie reprezintă o publicaţie periodică de referinţă din domeniul umanistic, axată pe cultură, limbi şi literaturi, lingvistică, istoria limbii, filosofie. Până acum, toate volumele au fost publicate anual, din 1990.

Publicaţia are o largă distribuţie, în peste 30 de universităţi din Europa şi America.

În anul 2010 Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria Filologie au primit cotaţia B+ din partea Consiliului Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior (CNCSIS).

Editorii Analelor Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria Filologie (Ovidius University Annals of Philology, Constanţa, Romania) doresc să vă anunţe faptul că începând din 2011 vor apărea două numere anual, în lunile iulie şi decembrie.

Lucrările vor fi redactate în limbile engleză sau franceză, cu rezumatul şi cuvintele-cheie în limba engleză.

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Adina Ciugureanu
Ovidius University of Constanta
- adina.ciugureanu@seanet.ro



Florentina Nicolae
Ovidius University of Constanta
- nicolae_flori@yahoo.com